From the Senior Regent

From the Senior Regent

February 26, 2024

March is here and spring is in the air. February brought us some excitement and some learning opportunities.

The WOTM 200 Club Reverse Raffle was held on February 3 and extremely successful. As the raffle ended, our final five ticket holders took the stage. Congratulations to Joe Stramel, Ann Ort, Kirk Bostleman, Nick Giovannucci, and Mike Willard, who had to quickly decide if they wanted to split the pot or if they wanted to keep it rolling. They decided to have one more ticket drawn. Mike Willard was our 5th-place finisher. The final four contestants again had to make a decision. Joe, Ann, Kirk, and Nick opted to split what remained in the pot. They each donated $100 of their winnings to Mooseheart. This was extremely kind and generous of each of you!! We hope to continue making this a successful event for many years. If anyone is interested in purchasing tickets for next year's 200 Club Reverse Raffle, we do have a waiting list and would be happy to add your name. A huge thank you to all the volunteers, John Tyburski and Justin Dake for being our emcees, and Maria Lay (and helpers) for preparing and serving the delicious meal. We could not do it without you!!

The Ohio State Moose Association Mid-Year Convention was held in February in Independence, Ohio. We had 19 moose members representing our Sylvania Lodge 1579 on Saturday. The convention is always a great time to meet and connect with other members from lodges across the state.

Congratulations to Marcia Przybylski, Barbara Przybylski, Michelle Ward, Amanda Kiefer, and Brandy Tyburski for earning their Academy of Friendship for the Women of the Moose. This is an honor they received for sponsoring five new WOTM members and serving as chairperson for the Women of the Moose. Congratulations to you all on this well-deserved achievement.

Congratulations to March WOTM of the Month, Maria Lay. Maria, we are so thankful that you volunteered your time to prepare and serve the meal for the 200 Club Reverse Raffle. We are also grateful for all that you do to help support our Women of the Moose and our Lodge. Thank you, and congratulations, Maria!


Sylvania Moose #1579

6072 Main Street
Sylvania, OH 43560
419-882-8553 Office
419-885-4953 Social Quarters
419-824-9717 Fax

Hours of Operation

Sunday: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Monday: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Tuesday: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Wednesday: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Thursday: 12:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Friday: 12:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Saturday: 12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

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